Grasslands: Where Heaven Meets Earth
This arts and entertainment documentary, commissioned by Bravo! captures a site-specific multi-disciplinary art festival in Grasslands National Park, just outside Val Marie Saskatchewan. Dance performances by Margie Gilles, the Coleman-Lemieux Dance Company and Robin Poitras of New Dance Horizons combined with the sound design of Gordon Monahan and the breathtaking beauty of the prairie landscape creates a new meaning to collaborative art. Hats-off to the residents of the ranching community of Val Marie for opening their hearts and homes to the artists who together, turned their entire village into an incredible platform for creativity. Directed by Don List.
(49 minutes) DATES: Saturday & Sunday, July 15 & 16 TIMES: screening starts at 1:00 p.m. VENUE: Free Site #3 Royal Saskatchewan Museum |
Silk Cyclone
Silk Cyclone by Regina filmmaker Rob King takes a different twist on the tornado. King’s film was inspired by an amazing silk dance performance by Margie Gillis, Robin Poitras, and Daniella Beltrami with improvised choreography by Susan McKenzie. The silk dance is, as King writes, “an ethereal art in which the human form, the imagination and spirit of the dancer extends out through the silk. And the silk returns the favour. Movement creates force that creates movement. The dancer forms spirals of fabric that stir the air and in turn play upon each present and future movement of the material. With movement comes a sound only heard on the sea, on the wide prairie, or in a dream.”
This short film will precede Grasslands: Where Heaven Meets Earth. (5 minutes) DATES: Saturday & Sunday, July 15 & 16 TIMES: screening starts at 1:00 p.m. VENUE: Free Site #3 Royal Saskatchewan Museum (Description of this film taken from Timothy Long's writing on the exhibition Spiralling Forces at the MacKenzie Art Gallery in 2012.) |
New Dance Horizons' Archive
A selection of still, video, film documentation from New Dance Horizons’ history that note the relationship between the body in motion and the natural world.
(continuously looping program of video and slides) DATES: Saturday & Sunday, July 15 & 16 TIMES: all day VENUE: Free Site #1 New Dance Horizons (2207 Harvey St.) |